I’m really excited that we were able to make this happen at all and to make it happen with an almost insignificant cost in import time is a double bonus. In fact a big solution that takes about 33 minutes to import only had 40 seconds added to the import time by the preprocessing of it’s 500MB of XML data. By building this into the plugin we were able to make the process quite quick. This doesn’t affect the output as these can only be inside quoted text, so you still have all the available data, but now your xml is also valid and will import just fine. I’ll write up a more detailed FAQ page about this, but the quick version is that it preprocesses your XML files and removes any invalid XML. We’ve added a checkbox to BaseElements setup that is called “Filter XML”. It also affects copy paste actions in FMP. The problem is that it can’t be imported back into anything as it fails the first check of validity. The issue is that when you have certain legitimate characters inside a calculation quote, the DDR output doesn’t properly encode these characters and so produces invalid XML. The more reports the more likely this will be fixed sooner. Side note : if anyone else notices this issue, and it causes problems, it would be great help if you could either add a comment to that report, or file your own with a sample file. I’ve filed a bug report about it to FileMaker, but that may not get fixed for a while and in the mean time telling people to wait until “someone else fixes it” or “change your solution”, isn’t a satisfactory answer for me. I’m really glad that we were able to build in a workaround for a new behaviour in the FMPA 11 DDR that causes XML validation issues in some situtations. I’ve also posted a fairly complete BaseElements 3 New Features page. Resolved some startup window position issues.Fixed a false out of memory error when importing files with large ( 10 MB ) nodes caused by large embedded images.Fixed an issue that would cause the files not to display or show record access issues in some situations.Other than an updated plugin, the other changes since b10 are :

We’ve solved the plugin issues, and also added a workaround for the character encoding issue thanks to some nifty programming and text editing by our intrepid plugin developer. I’m really looking forward to it this year it should be a good show.Īnd finally I have no outstanding issues in BaseElements land, and so I’m declaring this version to be a final candidate. This time is special though, it will certainly be the last for a few days, as I fly out to San Diego tomorrow for DevCon. Another day, another BaseElements release.